If you are a business owner or corporate leader, fill out the interest form.

*Our program is not intended at this time for individual contributors who work for a company.

Please note: Kingdom Business Leaders is NOT A NETWORKING ORGANIZATION. We understand business opportunities might occur organically, but we prohibit overt networking and solicitation. We desire to provide a safe place for business leaders to connect, learn, gain biblical insights, and receive training from subject matter experts.

For more information, contact us at:



Why does this matter?

We are requesting this information so we can better connect you with other KBL members and group leaders. This information is kept strictly confidential.

We not only want to help you spiritually we also want to help you in more practical ways.

What areas of your business do you need the most help in?

Kingdom Business Leaders is available to members of other churches and those who do not go to church in our community.

If the answer is ‘Yes’, tell us which church you attend.

If Zion City is your church home indicate which campus you attend.

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