Join us this Friday, January 3, for our Shabbat Services with special guest speaker Rabbi Jack Zimmerman from Jewish Voice Ministries International. Rabbi Jack serves as JVMI’s Church Engagement Officer and is a former stand-up comedian with an engaging wit and dynamic speaking style. A Messianic Jewish Rabbi, Jack deeply understands the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith, making him a valued and respected teacher of the Scriptures. He is also an award-winning reporter and radio and television host and has taught Bible classes throughout the United States and at theological universities in Russia and Ukraine.

Services will be held at the Flowing Wells campus in the Auditorium of Building 2000 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, followed by a Oneg Shabbat, a time of fellowship.  Celebrate with us and invite your Jewish friends!


Friday, January 3
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM


Flowing Wells
2561 W Ruthrauff Rd
Tucson, AZ 85705

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