"And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved."
Acts 2:42-47, ESV

We love our church!

Together, we are seeing lives changed, prayers answered, families restored, bodies healed, and countless people partnering with the Holy Spirit to make a difference and bring heaven to earth in Tucson and beyond. What makes life change happen isn’t always a perfect formula, but we know that when we do it together we become more effective. It really is a dream come true to serve a church that embodies generosity, not to get something in return, but simply because: ALL people matter to God so ALL people matter to you. THANK YOU!

While we’ve accomplished so much together, we believe the best is yet to come. God is giving us more vision and opportunities than ever before. Every year, we join our faith together and challenge each other to give sacrificially over-and-above our tithe. This year, our Heart for Zion offering will allow us to take a giant leap forward in fulfilling vision and capitalizing on opportunities to help even more people Encounter God and Transform Culture.

Read and pray through this information with the only intent of asking God, “What do you want me to do?”

Let’s see what we can do together!

Pastors Waylon and Dana Sears
Senior Pastors

What can I do?

1. Pray

This is a 12-month spiritual journey of sacrificial living. We would never ask that you give a specific amount, we ask that you would pray and ask God what it is that He’d have you give.

2. Prepare

Once you feel like you’ve heard from God, it’s important to plan practically for your sacrifice. Take time to look at what God has told you and give yourself time to figure out the how.

3. Participate

Bring your Heart For Zion offering on Sunday, May 5. You can also bring your completed 12-month commitment card should you choose to give over the course of the year.

Ways to Give


Online giving is a safe and flexible option and is the easiest way to establish a regular giving pattern at Zion City. This method allows you to schedule recurring or one-time gifts charged to your credit/debit card or as an eCheck.`



Ways to give at the weekend gathering:
• Credit/Debit Card using a giving envelope
• Cash/Check
• Place your cash or check (payable to Zion City with Heart
for Zion written in the memo) in a giving box.


Mail your gift to:
Zion City
2561 W. Ruthrauff Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85705


A few creative ways you can give:
• Stocks/Bonds or other asset transfers
• Homes or Land
• Jewelry/Gold/Silver
• Vehicles
• Corporate gift matching
• Coin Collections

For questions, please contact the
the Finance Team financeteam@zioncity.me


Every year, we join our faith together and challenge each other to give over-and-above regular tithes. Heart for Zion allows us to take a giant leap forward in fulfilling the vision that God has given us as a church.
Zion City’s vision is to help people Encounter God and Transform Culture, so please continue to bring your tithe in addition to the Heart for Zion gift God may be leading you to give. When there is an exciting opportunity like this, God asks us to go above and beyond our tithe.

In the Bible, there are times when God’s people came together to give above and beyond their faithful giving to the local church. This is a great example of sacrificial giving.
A tithe—which just means “tenth” —is defined as the first 10% of a person’s income that is to be given back to God through the local church. When we tithe, we are expressing worship in a tangible way by putting God first in our lives. It is an opportunity for us to give God our thanks and show God we trust Him… all while allowing us to be a part of spreading the Good News of Jesus!
We encourage you to begin tithing first. Tithing is the first step in fully trusting God in the area of your finances. As tithing becomes a consistent part of your life, begin praying for God to show you how to begin giving sacrificially above and beyond your tithe.
Yes! You can pick up a commitment card at any Sunday or Wednesday service or at the church office during the week. You can also GIVE anytime online.
A guiding principle for our leadership and elders is to move at the pace of the generosity of our church. We believe God will provide all the finances for what He has given us to accomplish. If we do not have the finances available at certain milestones to complete all areas of focus, we’ll consider multiple options including a phased approach continuing our sacrificial giving into the following year.

Additional Questions?
