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626 Prayer, Monday through Friday | 6:26 AM
Saturdays | 8:00 AM
Sundays | 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM
Wednesdays | 6:30 PM


Join us as we gather for focused prayer this season, early in the morning, boldly meeting with the Lord and giving Him “no rest.” We will meet for 626 Prayer every weekday morning at 6:26 AM and on Saturdays at 8:00 AM across every campus location to worship, hear teaching, and then pray for specific needs. We believe one encounter with God can change everything. Come expecting to hear from Him in this season.
Let’s press in and see what God will do!


Prayer is most effective when it’s a lifestyle we have cultivated, not just something we do now and then. To develop a lifestyle of prayer, we look at the example of Jesus.

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed. — MARK 1:35

To learn more about prayer, read our Zion City Prayer Guide

Zion City Prayer Guide

Jesus woke early in the morning to spend time with His Father. Making a daily appointment with God is the first step, but the time can vary. God wants to connect with us, regardless of the hour. Faithfully keeping that designated time is what’s important.

Jesus had a specific place He went to pray. Picking a location that is free of distractions is important. It gives us the freedom to worship, pray or read the Bible out loud, and be vulnerable with God.

Jesus knew that our minds tend to wander, and sometimes we feel lost and unsure of where to begin; that’s why when He taught the disciples to pray, He gave them an outline. We call it “The Lord’s Prayer.” Having a plan doesn’t mean your prayer time has to be the same every day. It can include worship music, listening quietly, and Bible reading.


Submit A Prayer Request

We consider it an honor to agree with one another in prayer. We believe that one encounter with God changes everything.

Our online prayer wall is updated continually as people submit new requests. We invite you to pray over what has been posted.


Second Saturday Prayer

If you are passionate about connecting with God and growing in your prayer life, we invite you to join our Prayer Teams from every campus location for the Second Saturday Prayer. Each month, we meet from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM in the Prayer Center at the Flowing Wells Campus for an hour to intercede for our church, city, state, nation, and however God directs. Our team would love to have you with us! Join us for our next prayer time and see what God can do through you!


Share Your Story

There is power in sharing your story! We want to celebrate what God is doing at Zion City. We want to stir your faith to believe for the impossible.

Thank you for taking the time to share with others the good things God has done for you.



Learn more from Pastor Waylon about fasting