Loving God With Mystery And Celebration
Character Traits
Enthusiasts enjoy celebratory worship as well as many of the more supernatural forms of faith.
People with this spiritual temperament like to let go and experience God on the precipice of excitement and awe.
We worship and serve a supernatural God who manifests himself to us in supernatural ways.
In a cynical and depressed world, enthusiasts point toward faith, mystery, and expectancy. When the situation seems impossible, enthusiasts say, “Now God’s really going to move!”
It is a sinful tendency to lapse into a practical “atheism,” believing in God, but not expecting him to move in supernatural ways.
Sometimes we may be using a gift God has given us and say something that sounds profound and then think, “Where in the world did that come from?”
Sometimes a prayer is answered in a way that makes coincidence seem impossible.
Celebration has a wide background in Scripture.
A person’s reluctance to celebrate enthusiastically is more a personal foible than a sign of maturity.
Remember, celebratory worship must still include reverence.
What Are Our Pitfalls?
Seeking Experiences for Experiences’ Sake
Beware — many spiritual manifestations are expressly forbidden for a Christian, see Duet. 18:10-12. Be careful to remain true to seeking God rather than searching for new experiences. To demand that God answer all our prayers with a “yes” is to ask for his omnipotence [power] without having the benefit of his omniscience [knowledge].
Being Independent
Enthusiasts need to be rooted in a strong church to help them interpret their encounters with God.
Equating ‘Good Feelings’ with ‘Good Worship’
Feelings come and go. Enthusiasts shouldn’t apologize for enjoying them, but they should avoid becoming dependent upon them.
Suggestions for the Road
For some who have lost their ability to celebrate, spending time with children might be a good way to recapture the joy and wonder of your faith.
You should never accept a dream that clashes with the revelation of Scripture. Also, never make a major decision based solely on a dream. However, you may find that God can bring insight into a situation, or give you a warning, when you are open to receiving something in a dream.
Step out in faith. Whether it’s building a business, writing a poem, planting a garden, painting a picture, creating something can be a profoundly holy experience.
Expect God to give you specific answers to specific prayers.
Believe God to heal or respond in a supernatural way in real situations in your life.
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Explore all the different ways people can connect to God and discover the value of each and every path.