Loving God With The Mind
Character Traits
When intellectual’s minds are awakened, when they understand something new about God or his ways with his children, then their adoration is unleashed.
If they are not learning new things about God their relationship with Him feels stagnant.
The early church was so successful in its witness to the pagan world not only because they outlived and out-died the world, but they out-thought it.
See: Psalm 49:1-4; Proverbs 1:5-7
Right thinking — conforming our thoughts to the thoughts of God — enables right living.
Avast majority of the difficulties Christians experience in life is caused because we don’t understand the Scriptures well enough.
Intellectual pursuit has played a key role in advancing God’s work.
What Are Our Pitfalls?
Loving Controversy
See: 1 Timothy 1:4, 6:4-5; 2 Timothy 2:23-25. Discussions aimed at defeating rather than caring for the welfare of the other person is not godly.
Knowing Rather Than Doing
Knowing what is right is not a substitute for doing what is right. According to the book of Proverbs, the truly wise person is someone who actively applies the ways of righteousness which they have studied.
Being Proud
Pride is a common failing among intellectuals. It is demonstrated by the common desire to correct virtually everyone.
Suggestions for the Road
Consider getting a MA from a seminary after undergrad studies.
Many seminaries offer one-week courses during the summer — this could set your study agenda for the entire year following.
Think how much stronger you’d be as a Christian if you picked one topic a year for in-depth study.
Many courses are available through audio or video formats.
What are the five basic building blocks for a Christian mind? - church history, biblical studies, systematic theology, ethics, and apologetics.
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