Loving God Through Confrontation
Character Traits
Activists are spiritually nourished through the battle. John 4:34.
“There is only one kind of person who can fight the Lord’s battles in anywhere near a proper way, and that is the person who by nature is unbelligerent. A belligerent person tends to do it because they are belligerent; at least it looks that way. The world must observe that, when we must differ with each other as true Christians, we do it not because we love the smell of blood, the smell of the arena, the smell of the bullfight, but because we must for God’s sake.” F. Schaeffer
The fear involved in confrontation creates a certain dependence on God that isn’t normally there. Facing this fear, stepping out in faith, and finding God faithful as He meets you, can bring deeper intimacy with God.
See: the life of Moses (Exodus, to start), Proverbs 24:11-12, Psalms 7, 68 & 140; Ezekiel 33:1-20
Activism can lead to emotional depletion: finding ways to be filled and renewed spiritually is necessary.
What Are Our Pitfalls?
Becoming Judgmental
Where activists often go wrong is assuming that the holier they become, the less able they'll be to tolerate sinners. Maturity is evidenced by eagerness to see sin leave our lives, coupled with compassion toward other sinners. A self-righteous, critical attitude is not a reflection of the compassion of Christ.
Ambition and Sex
There seems to be a direct spiritual relationship between the level of a person’s ambition and sexual temptation, especially in men. Ambition is often a fight against powerlessness and a fight for control. The ambitious person is also inherently selfish. The very qualities that help you succeed as an activist may tempt you to fail as a Christian. Ambition coupled with secrecy is a fertile ground for sexual sin; throw in fatigue, and you are almost certain to embarrass yourself and the ministry God has given you. The activist needs honest accountability.
Preoccupation With Activity and Statistics
For an activist, we must leave the results to God or we'll be consumed and driven by success rather than by the Holy Spirit. Beware; some activists just cannot accept defeat. When God first gave Moses his commission, Moses said, “Who am I, that I should... bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” God’s response was an implicit rebuke against such self-sufficiency. God said simply, “I will be with you.” In other words, it doesn’t matter who you are, Moses; what matters is who is sending you. Habakkuk is a good warning to activists. God seems to be accused more that he is petitioned, as if Habakkuk was more concerned about Justice than God Himself. You must stand on a stool with three legs: sincerity, effort, and thoughtful prayer.
Elitism and Resentment
An activist may enjoy confrontation and not understand why others may fear it. They also have little appreciation for other spiritual gifts or callings. They can condemn others for their lack of activism.
Lack of Emphasis on Personal Sanctity
Make sure you examine yourself before God. Matthew 7:2-4.
Suggestions for the Road
Many writers have changed the destinies of millions through the written word, i.e. Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Social Reform
John Wesley said there is “no holiness but social holiness... and to turn Christianity into a solitary religion is to destroy it.”
Charles Finney refused to baptize Christians who still believed in slavery.
The Bible calls for us to reach out to less fortunate — James 1:27; Matthew 25:35-36.
While others may disagree, we first must be fully informed: then prayerfully decisive; third, fully involved.
Activists must also actively confront error and evil. Sometimes truth equals confrontation.
Of all the pathways, prayer is crucial to the activist. Cultivate an active prayer life!
Prayer Walks: Intercede for a dorm floor or classroom building by walking around it in silent prayer.
Spread a map in front of you and pray for unreached people groups.
Pray with your Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.
Here large numbers of Christians gather to march in celebration of Jesus. This was very popular during the Baroque period 1550-1750.
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